Schools We Serve
Students and Parents
Below is the current list of schools in the Twin Cities where Communities In Schools is available. CIS is a school-based program and in order to participate in CIS, a student must attend one of the schools listed below. Please contact the Site Coordinator at your child’s school for more information and registration.
Principals and Superintendents
Ready to partner with Communities in Schools? We’d love to bring our integrated student support model to your school. Please contact Amanda Sappa for more information: 651-424-0089
American Indian Magnet School
1075 3rd St E, St Paul, MN 55106
Site Coordinator: Miya Peach
Creative Arts Secondary School
65 E Kellogg Blvd, St Paul, MN 55101
Site Coordinator: Linnea Morgen
Hamline Elementary School
1599 Englewood Ave, St Paul, MN 55104
Site Coordinator: Kyna Levi
Hastings High School
200 General Sieben Dr, Hastings, MN 55033
Site Coordinator: Kel O’Leary
Hastings Middle School
1000 11th Street West, Hastings MN 55033
Site Coordinator: Alexa Kitral
Humboldt High School
30 Baker St E, St Paul, MN 55107
Site Coordinator: Lydia Jagondzinski
Washington Technology
Magnet School
1495 Rice St Saint Paul, MN 55117
Site Coordinator: Earl Whimper
Venture Academy
315 27th Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55414
Site Coordinator: Brittany Robinson